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Slave-like work, environmental degradation and globalised commodity chains - 20 June 2022

Workshop "Strengthening the dialogue on slave like work, environmental degradation and globalised commodity chains"

Event 20 June 2022 09:30 – 18:00 (Uk time)

Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is required.

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This event is hybrid, and it is possible to participate in person or online.

The Department of Work, Employment and Organisation at University of Strathclyde and the Centre for the Political Economy of Labour would like to invite your participation at a Workshop on "Strengthening the dialogue on slave like work, environmental degradation and globalised commodity chains"

Global supply chains depend on, and reinforce, relations of unfree labour and deepen resource depletion in globally significant biomes. Slave like work has origins in Atlantic trades, and continues to driven by wage suppression, criminality and impoverishment alongside new authoritarian regimes. Its proliferation shapes the lives of workers and communities across geographies of yawning inequalities in value appropriation and wealth distribution. The relationships between free and unfree work, the dismantling of protections and lawless value capture, slave like work and ecological degradation linked to globalised supply chains calls for empirical and theoretical innovation.

This workshop brings together researchers and labour activists from spaces of contemporary unfree, slave like work, and acute resource extraction across the Global north and south. The sharing of new knowledge and of collective resistance to socio-environmental injustice seeks to inform new strategies and a special conference stream on the workshop theme.

These themes also converge with existing projects at CPEL and reinforce the center's mission to sustain more equitable engagement between Strathclyde academics and universities, labour and community organizations in the global south.

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