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Event date: 04/11/2020 13:30 - 04/11/2021 16:30 Export event

CPEL Global Labour Reform Series: How have recent changes in government policy and employment regulation impacted on the global experience of labour?

Centre for the Political Economy of Labour: Global labour reforms series

How have recent changes in government policy and employment regulation impacted on the global experience of labour?

This is the inaugural event of the Global Labour Reform Seminar Series of the Centre for the Political Economy of Labour (CPEL). Considering changes in government policy and employment regulation and the global experience and spectrum of labour, this event is a space for sharing stories of work and labour contestation, making new connections, and informing the future research agenda of CPEL. This event brings together partners and activists from Uzbekistan, Brazil and Mauritius to reflect on changes to government policy and employment regulation and share experiences of how this impacts on the lived reality of labour across diverse sectors of the economy. The event seeks to make new connections, map contemporary changes and share stories of worker experience and resistance on the distinct frontiers of labour regulation.

Guest Speakers:

We are delighted to confirm participation from The Uzbek forum for Human Rights, the Federal University of Mato Grosso (Brazil) and the trade union, The Confederation des Travailleurs des Secteurs Public et Prive (CTSP) and look forward to the discussion.

Umida Niyazova, Director – Uzbek Forum for Human Right

Chuttoo Reeaz and Jane Ragoo - CTSP (Mauritius) -  Confederation of Public and Private sector workers in Mauritius

Luís Henrique da Costa Leão - Professor of Collective Health at Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), researcher in the Group of Studies and Research on Environmental and Worker´s Health (GEAST-UFMT) and Group of Research Contemporary Slave Labour (GPTEC) from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.  

Carla Reita Faria Leal - Professor of Law School at Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), researcher in the Group of Studies and Research on Work Environment as a component of decent work (GPMAT-UFMT) and Coordinator of Action Integrated Project to support victims of Slave Labour.

The CPEL Team  



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